Other Centurion Related Newsletters
We have been publishing our Australian Centurions newsletter online for
many years now so I am pleased to announce that two other newsletters
have gone online recently. The Dutch Centurions (see http://www.centurionverenigingnederland.nl/) have been producing a hardcopy newsletter for many years now. Secretary Piet Jansens C-389 is now publishing their quarterly newsletter in pdf format and emailing it to those on their distribution list. I can't find it on their website, so here is the December 2010 issue. What a good way to brush up on your Dutch!
CVN News december 2010.pdf
CVN News October 2011.pdf
The Spanish Ultra Walking website is now producing a monthly newsletter. Three issues have come out so far and all can be easily accessed and downloaded from their website http://www.ultrawalking.es/. Well done to Bernardo José Mora on a great initiative.
Here are the links:
November 2010 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2010/UWE1.pdf
December 2010 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2010/UWE2.pdf
February 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE3.pdf
March 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE4.pdf
April 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE5.pdf
May 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE6.pdf
June 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE7.pdf
JUly 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE8.pdf
September 2011 -> http://www.ultrawalking.es/2011/UWE9.pdf
Tim Erickson
Secretary, Australian Centurions