2004 Centurion 24 Hour Race Photos

17-18 April 2004
Coburg Athletics Track, Coburg, Melbourne

Here is a selection of photos from this year's race. I hope you can capture some of the excitement from viewing them. Are you tough enough to take the challenge yourself?

Graham early on - still smiling

Graham Watt (C 47)early on in the race - still smiling

Stan Miskin C23 - oldest walker

Stan Miskin (C 23), the oldest walker at 78 years of age. Stan strides out towards his final distance of 135.306 km. Knee warmers - now that's a new idea!

ron mcgregor, di goodier and fred brooks (c42)

Ron McGregor, Di Goodger and Fred Brooks (C42) took turns making the pace early on and all reached the 50 mile mark in good time. It was the first long walk attempt for Ron and Di and we will hopefully see them back to complete the task soon.

ellwyn miskin

Ellwyn Miskin did the 6 hour walk once again and provided company for husband Stan (see far left in the background) in the first stages of his 24 hour walk. Shading Ellwyn is runner Phil Essam. As for last year, Ellwyn completed the 6 hour event comfortably and then attended Stan's needs for the remainder of the race. Now that's note worthy!

bob lee (c47) finishing

Bob Lee (C 47) raises his hands in victory as he crosses the 100 mile mark in 22:44:44 to become Australian Centurion Number 47. Bob is already New Zealand Centurion Number 5 so is now a double centurion. This result was never in doubt as Bob confidently ticked off the intervening miles in a masterly display of strength walking.

Graham finishing

Graham Watt (C 48) powers towards the finishing line in his last lap. His final time of 23:59:23 just beat the final gun. In the last 2 hours of the race, he had to complete 43 laps, 5 more than his previousbest 2 hour split during the event. But he somehow managed to dig deep and achieve the impossible for a wonderful result - Australian Centurion Number 48.

The new centurions

The new Centurions, Graham (C48) and Bob (C 47). This photo was taken minutes after Graham finished. Has the awesomeness of the feat sunk in yet?

Tim Erickson
19April 2004