Australian Centurions Committee

Following discussions in 2012, a decision was made to change our Centurion Executive from an automatic two year designation based on Centurion number to a two year position based on nomination and election via member vote. It was also decided to formalise a Club Executive and a General Committee to oversee the administration of the club. The current Committee reads as follows

Club Executive
Vice President
Terry O'Neill (C 18)  
David Billett (C 50)
Stuart Cooper (C 5)
Tim Erickson (C 13)
General Committee
Records and Rankings Officer
Assistant Secretary
Up to 3 general members of Committee
Tim Erickson (C 13)
Karyn O'Neill (C 45)
Michelle Thompson (C 58)
Pramesh Prasad (C 81)

The election of Club Executive and General Committee takes place every two years and is done in the context of an Annual General Meeting in the January timeframe. Since our membership is widespread, voting may be at the meeting itself or via Postal Vote in the period leading up to the meeting.

Nominations will be restricted to persons with Australian Residency. This reflects the fact that we are an Australian based organisation and need our Executive to work locally in the Australian Context. All members are eligible to vote, regardless of where they live.