1998 Centurion 24 Hour Race Photos

19-20 September 1998
George Knott Athletic Track, Clifton Hill, Melbourne

Here is a selection of photos from this year's race. I hope you can capture some of the excitement from viewing them. Are you tough enough to take the challenge yourself?

Here they are. The 6 Centurions relax after the challenge conquered. From the left we have Roger LeMoine, John Harris, Yiannis Kouros, Gerald Manderson, Sue Clements and Norm Morris. Norm is sitting with the Jack Webber Trophy which he was awarded as the most worthy performance on the day. Boy, it's nice to be sitting down.

Norm Morris

Norm Morris finishing. Norm completed this walk only 5 months after a quadruple heart bypass operation. Now that must have been against the doctor's orders surely? Norm was still smiling as he crossed the line. These New Zealanders are a tough mob.

Yiannis Kouros walking strongly towards the finish. Not a bad effort for an ultra-runner who has never done any serious walking before. What would he do if he decided to train for the event.

They say there's nothing like a real Australian beer and Sue Clements agrees as she downs a coldie after just beating the 24 hour barrier with a 100 mile time of 23:58:40.  It doesn't come any closer than that. Well done Sue. Sue is now both a British Centurion and an Australian Centurion.

Roger LeMoine in the shorts crosses the finish line. Roger has already walked 6 100 milers in Europe and England and how he has done it in Australia also. Great performance Roger. Just ahead of Roger in the green top is Australian John Harris who had 2 laps to go at this stage to complete his second 100 miler. He did his first in1975 and has finally recovered enough to do it again (only joking).

Gerald Manderson is a really tough competitor. He easily accounted for the opposition in our walk this year and finished the 100 miler in just over 21 hours. Not content with that, he continued on and had covered nearly 178 km when the gun went at the end of the 24 hours.

Tim Erickson
24 Sept 1998