Canberra 48 Hour Carnival, AIS Track, Belconnnen, ACT, 15-17 March 2018

Unfortunately, the staging of the 3rd annual Canberra 48 Hour Carnival saw very hot weather which wrought some damage, with performances definitely down on past years. But we did have some walkers in action, the best being Geoff Hain, Justin Scholz and Linda Christison.

Geoff Hain
Justin Scholz
Linda Christison
Geoff Hain (C49): 38.874km in 6H
Justin Scholz (C61): 92.457km in 12H
Linda Christison: 154.027km in 24H

Coburg 24 Hour Carnival, Coburg, Victoria, 21-22 April 2018

2018 saw the Coburg 24 Hour Carnival reduced from two separate weekends (a 6H in March and a 24H in April) to  single combined scheduling in April. The women’s 24 Hour race saw an easy win to Dutch walker Gertrude Achterberg with 131.745 km. South Australian Lorraine Billett impressed with her third place distance of 101.378km, setting five new W70 Australian walking records along the way. The men’s 24 hour walk saw 4 walkers reach 100 miles, with Chris Burn (IOM), Jantinus Meints (NED), Adrie Ross (NED) and Colin Heywood (AUS) all qualifying as Australian Centurions.

Chris Burn
Jantinus Meints
Adrie Ros
Chris Burn (C72)
Jantinus Meints (C73)
Adrie Ros  (C74)
Colin Heywood
Gertrude Achterberg
Lorraine Billett
Colin Heywood (C75)
Gertrude Achterberg
Lorraine Billett

Dawn Parris

Dawn Parris

Justin Scholz
Justin and Sharon Scholz in Cape Town
Justin Scholz - 161.200km in Sydney in June
Justin and Sharon Scholz earn their sixth
centurion badges in Cape Town in October